Sunday, September 13, 2015

Why Only Trump Argues for Curtailed Immigration

The Weekly Standard's Jay Cost often has keen insight on matters political. Here he says something wise about the Trump phenomenon.
A Trump victory is not what should worry the GOP. Rather, the party should worry that, with the field of candidates full of professional politicians, only Donald Trump—the real-estate tycoon from Manhattan who gave money to Hillary Clinton—actually understands the mood of Republican voters in middle America.
It is likely the professionals "understand the mood of Republican voters in middle America" but cannot champion it without losing the support of wealthy donors (and their lickspittle house organ, The Wall Street Journal), who don't like crackdowns on illegal immigrants.

Everyone but wealthy Trump is constrained by big donors' universal desire for unlimited immigration. Open borders let in low wage workers and lots of consumers, both of which they love.

As noted here earlier, the fat cats who pay the piper call the tune (i.e., shape the candidates' messages). And as Peggy Noonan wrote last Friday, plutocrats don't mingle with the immigrant tide.