Saturday, March 29, 2008

On to the Rain Forest

It is 1:30 a.m. local time and we are packed and eating ´breakfast´before catching a bus to the airport. No, I don´t understand the need to move literally in the middle of the night but there it is. Supposedly I´m a victim of the monopoly scheduling of LAN, Peru´s flag carrier. Who knows?

My next post may be from somewhere on the Amazon, or may happen when we return to what passes locally for civilization. BTW, we were in Ica yesterday and that ´city´is truly third world, maybe even uglier than Nogales. Between giant sand dunes and dusty looks, we could have been in North Africa, I joked that a Foreign Legion fort would have looked right at home on the edge of town, call it Ft. Zinderneuf Ouest.