While Democrats try to coronate Hillary Clinton as their 2016 candidate, there are as many as 15 Republicans considering a run. See a Wall Street Journal column by Gerald Seib which identifies the 15 in five different "lanes" or tracks.
Seib believes the contenders fall into one (or in a couple of cases two) of the following five lanes: the establishment lane, the newbie lane, the governors lane, the congressional lane, and the evangelical lane.
See if you can sort into the 5 categories the following fifteen wannabes: Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Rob Portman, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Mike Rogers, Mario Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, John Thune, and Scott Walker. Go to Seib's column to check your answers.
At a guess, I'd say at least two-thirds of those possibles could do a better job than the incumbent or Hillary. It's clear as anything Romney would have been better than Obama, about McCain I'm less sanguine, but in any case we'll never know, will we?