Scratch a whining provost and you find an executive in one of America's most secure, sclerotic and administratively top-heavy industries.So true. The CA public university from which I retired has experienced administrative metastasis. The following list comes from its current online catalog.
Reporting to the Provost are 5 vice provosts, 10 deans, 12 directors, a librarian, and a registrar. Under the Vice President for Business and Finance are an associate v.p., an assistant v.p., 7 directors, 2 managers, and a police chief.
The Vice President for Student Affairs has as subordinates an associate v.p. and 9 directors. To the Vice President for University Advancement report an associate v.p. and 3 directors.
Leaving out lower level part-time administrators like associate or assistant deans and department chairs, I count 60 administrators for a university with current enrollment of roughly 17,000 FTES.
Since I retired enrollments have gone up less than 3000 and the number of administrators has at least doubled. It is the very definition of "sclerotic and administratively top-heavy."