Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Increasing Income Inequality - Why?

Last Friday I wrote about a series of articles by Timothy Noah in Slate on the topic of increasing income inequality. He has continued the series and here is a link to the next-to-last article, in which Noah tells us what he's learned and to what causes he attributes the increasing inequality.

For those of you too lazy to read his ten eminently readable articles, I will summarize Noah's findings. He believes 30 percent of the cause can be attributed to failures in our education system and another 30 percent to overpaying CEOs and investment stars. The decline of unions contributes 20 percent, and outsourcing another 10 percent. Tax policy contributes 5 percent and immigration the final 5 percent. If you've been keeping track, that totals 100%. These are estimates, you understand, not precise measurements.

Now that we know, or think we know, what has caused income inequality to increase, the question becomes what, if anything, should we do about it? I recommend the entire series of articles to you, with the caveat that they will take some considerable time to read.