Monday, September 13, 2010

Spengler: Asymmetrical Warfare

David P. Goldman, who writes as Spengler for the Asia Times, has a fascinating take on the Koran-burning threat that just happened; he calls it asymmetrical warfare. He says:
L'Affaire Jones demonstrated that a madman carrying a match and a copy of the Koran can do more damage to the Muslim world than a busload of suicide bombers. (snip) Instead of trying to stabilize the Islamic world, suppose - just for the sake of argument - that one or two world powers set out to throw it into chaos. (snip) Weapons are there to be used, and theological weapons may turn out to be some of the nastiest means of war-fighting at hand.
Spengler is one of the most Machiavellian commentators on today's scene. Hat tip to for the link to Spengler.