Sunday, September 19, 2010

Powell Unsure About Afghanistan

The Associated Press reports that Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Secretary of State, isn't sure if our side is winning in Afghanistan - no kidding. The British couldn't subdue Afghanistan, the Russians couldn't do it either, now we think we can accomplish what they could not. Good luck.

Imagine a place where different parts of the country are controlled by tribes speaking different languages, tribes which obviously don't like and trust each other. Now imagine that virtually the only money-making crop in this place is the opium poppy. Add in a religion that is often violent and almost always intolerant of others.

Give the country porous borders with adjacent nations so trouble-makers can float back and forth. Finally give the country a neighbor whose intelligence service has a history of funding and supporting its violent religious radicals as a way of reducing the influence of another neighbor, India. Throw in corruption and brutality as cultural mainstays, and you have Afghanistan.

Iraq is almost a piece of cake, in comparison. Powell is unsure of victory? I would hope he is.