Saturday, September 4, 2010

Robinson: We're "Spoiled Brats"

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson decides that the American public are acting like spoiled brats. He infers this from their telling pollsters that they will vote for the Republicans whom they say they like even less than the Democrats.

Mr. Robinson, listen up. The only practical way to show a party in power that you do not, underscore do not, approve of what they have been doing is to vote them out of power. One is reminded of the old story about the fellow who hits a mule on the head with a 2x4 to get its attention. You get a politician's attention by electing his opponent.

This election is not about the Republicans, which is why they don't need to have a proposed program of things they will do if elected. Everybody knows they cannot do a whole lot since the President will veto whatever they pass. What they will be able to do is to defund the Obama programs, more-or-less bringing them to a halt.

This election is a referendum on the Democrats who have, for the last 2 years, controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress. What the people are telling pollsters, Mr. Robinson, is that they don't like what the Dems have been doing and are prepared to vote "NO."

In our system of two party government, the way you do that is to vote for the other guy. This is particularly true since recent polls have shown that same public trusts the Republicans more than the Democrats on ten key issues.