Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Tale of Two Recessions

I just read an interesting article written by John Merline, Opinion Editor of AOL News, comparing the recession which technically ended in 2009 and one during the Reagan administration. They lasted about the same amount of time, 16 months vs. 18 months.

Recovery from the two recessions has been very different. After the Reagan recession the bounce-back was rapid and dramatic. After the Obama recession, it has been anything but rapid and dramatic. In fact there has been some recovery, but as Merline says:
This time around, unemployment is stuck at 9.6 percent, consumer confidence is at a depressing 53.5, and economic growth since the recession ended has averaged a comparatively paltry 3 percent.
The fact that President Ronald Reagan pursued a very different policy course -- one focused on across-the-board tax cuts, spending restraint and deregulation -- will only fuel questions about whether Obama's economic policies are helping or hurting this recovery.
I don't have questions about which policy was better. Merline's article is worth your time.