Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Perry Believes

Y'all wouldn't expect an even-handed treatment of Gov. Rick Perry in The Weekly Standard, but darn it, they come pretty dog-gone close. Andrew Ferguson covers the good, the bad, and even a little of the ugly.

What I find very interesting is Perry's notion of decentralization, which he calls "federalism." Perry sees different states having quite different laws about, for example, gay marriage, torts, carrying guns, health care, unions, environment protection, taxes, perhaps even recreational drugs. His idea is that people will move to states where the laws are congenial with their own beliefs.

In Perry's model, if the laws you like drive away employers, then you can choose to live there anyway but may not have a job you like, or any job. I ask this question: won't many people follow the jobs regardless, and then vote to change that state's laws to fit their desires? Maybe that outcome is okay in Perry's world?

Much of this sorting out is now happening, as blue states get bluer and red states get redder. And as Ferguson says, sometimes you move to a state because many of its policies suit you and find other of its policies grate on your nerves. A few years back I had that exact experience, in Perry's Texas of all places.