Friday, August 12, 2011

Will: NHS a Huge Employer

Columnist George Will is visisting Britain and writing about its current ups and (mostly) downs for The Washington Post. He quotes a fascinating statistic about their National Health Service, the socialized medicine operation:
It is sometimes adequate regarding medicine but is a sensational jobs program: It is the world’s sixth-largest employer (behind the Chinese army, Wal-Mart, China National Petroleum, China State Grid Corp. and Indian Railways).
Three of those are in China, the world's most populous nation with over a billion citizens. A fourth is in India, another billion citizen nation, and the fifth, Wal-Mart, is nearly worldwide. Now compare those with the NHS which is within a small nation of only 63 million people, roughly a fifth the size of the U.S.

The United Kingdom contains within its borders the world's sixth largest employer! Think how much of the national budget it consumes. Think of how many of the U.K.'s voters work for the NHS and vote their pocketbooks. Not a good situation.