Monday, September 12, 2011

They Who Must Not Be Named

In the Harry Potter novels and films, most members of the wizarding world cannot bring themselves to say the name of superbad wizard Lord Voldemort. Instead they say things like "he who must not be named" or "the Dark Lord," depending on whose side they're on.

Harry Potter is just a set of wildly popular novels. We hardly expect to see our public figures behaving in this superstitious way, refusing to name the enemy.

On Sunday, our current President made yet another of his many speeches, this time memorializing the 9/11/01 terrorist event. Like a superstitious wizard, President Obama would not identify the attackers as al Qaida or part of militant Islam.

Imagine if FDR had spoken to Congress of the attack on Pearl Harbor and not identified the attackers as Japanese. The very thought is ridiculous. Veep Joe Biden's description of the 9/11 attack as "a declaration of war" was more honest.

BTW, former President Bush spoke at the crash site in Pennsylvania and he identified the attackers as al Qaida. Obama having a Muslim father and relatives apparently makes him touchy about this issue. See the article in The Daily Caller for details.