Friday, June 22, 2012

Why They Hate Us

This CNSNews article reports research with one take on "why some Muslims hate America" which I'd rephrase as "why most Muslims hate America." But then, hating America has been popular in parts of Latin America and elsewhere.

COTTonLINE takes the view that countries hate America as a way of explaining why they are poor and we are not. If America would only behave itself they'd have plenty and we'd have less, much less.

Islam tells its adherents that by adhering to Islam they are superior and should rule the world. For the last several hundred years that has not been the case. They've been poor and benighted.

The reason must be that the West, especially America, has been holding them down, keeping them from their natural dominance. Alas, that is not the case.Not all cultures are equally adept at the creation and collection of wealth.