Sunday, June 24, 2012

Travel Blog V

Prague, Czech Republic: We go home tomorrow, I'm ready to head home. Tomorrow will be a very long day as we fly west chasing the sun around roughly 1/3 of the globe.

It will be three flights: Prague-Frankfurt, Frankfurt-Denver, and Denver-Jackson. I hope we fly over Greenland in daylight and clear weather as that can be spectacular viewing: hour after hour over enormous ice fields interrupted by tall mountains.

I've left my watch on Mountain time and used the rubric of "minus 4 hours" on my analog watch. In truth it is plus 8 hours but minus 4 is easier to compute using mental arithmetic.

Our flight leaves early so we may not get much breakfast. We'll get fed on the plane - Business Class all the way to Denver - but it may be the Europeans' idea of breakfast, which resembles the American/British idea of lunch - salad and cold meats.

When Americans say "continental breakfast," they mean rolls and coffee. I'm not sure what continent they are referencing but it isn't Europe. These are the oddities of cross-cultural travel....

For pix of our recent travels, see the other DrC's blog at