Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Geraldo Nails It

I tend to think of Geraldo Rivera as a self-promoting buffoon. However, Mediaite reports him saying some sensible things on the Outnumbered panel on Fox News. These are his comments:
I’ll tell you what will happen: they’ll have a trial, white jurors will see it one way and the black jurors another,” Rivera said. “The white jurors will look at that convenience store surveillance tape. They will see Michael Brown menacing that clerk. The white jurors will put themselves in the shoes of that clerk. They’ll say, of course the officer responded the way he did; he was menaced by a 6′ 4″, 300 pound kid 10 minutes fresh from a strong armed robbery. The white jurors will put themselves in the white officers’ place. The black jurors will see Michael Brown despite his flaws as the surrogate for every black youngster.
Mediaite notes the hosts of Outnumbered were offended. Can you seriously imagine any other outcome? I cannot as I remember the black and white reactions to the OJ murder trial verdict.