Sunday, August 30, 2015

Douthat Suspects ....

At The New York Times, columnist Ross Douthat meditates upon the Trump phenomenon, and its likely impact.
In a healthy two-party system, the G.O.P. would treat Trump’s strange success as evidence that the party’s basic orientation may need to change substantially, so that it looks less like a tool of moneyed interests and more like a vehicle for middle American discontent.

In an unhealthy system, the kind I suspect we inhabit, the Republicans will find a way to crush Trump without adapting to his message. In which case the pressure the Donald has tapped will continue to build — and when it bursts, the G.O.P. as we know it may go with it.
Parties die; has anybody talked to a Whig lately? How about a Know-Nothing? A Dixiecrat?

Are the other aspirants for the GOP nomination paying attention? Can they afford to, given the "moneyed interests" who fund campaigns? Can they afford not to, given the "middle Americans" who provide votes?

It's an interesting dilemma. Expect much fence-straddling which Trump need not join.