Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Going Ga-Ga

John Kass, writing in the Chicago Tribune, finds a parallel that will make newsroom colleagues uncomfortable. He sees in Trump admirers something he's seen before.
What is it about them that drives liberal pundits mad? Perhaps it's that they're so darn wiggly with excitement at Trump's approach. Their eyes become glassy with adoration. Their mouths open in wonder. They've given up their hearts and minds to him, and they will be betrayed. So they're mocked for fools.

I've witnessed the same exact Trumpian phenomenon in another distinct group. There was that same adoration, the identical enraptured crowds, the same wiggly eagerness you find in excited puppies, and it's a safe bet that a few carpets were soiled. By whom? Journalists, when Barack Obama drew near.
Yes, and those journalists were betrayed, as well. Betrayal is the preordained fate of true believers.