Saturday, August 8, 2015

Klavan on the Debate

Andrew Klavan blogs at PJMedia, here his topic is the 1st GOP debate, specifically what happened among the non-Trump aspirants:
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, John Kasich and Mike Huckabee all helped themselves and looked good, I thought. Ben Carson ought to get out: It’s painful to watch a great man out of his element. Rand Paul ought to get out: He’s nuts. Chris Christie ought to get out: He hugged Obama and, no, I don’t forgive him either. I wish Jeb Bush would get out, but I’ll just have to wait.
Klavan largely summarizes my sense as an interested non-viewer who has read a lot about it. The consensus on Carson is that he is a fine man but no president.

Both Pauls - father and son - are weird dudes if not crazy, marching to a drummer that isn't Republican. Christie can't even carry his own state, and doesn't belong on-stage.

Bush represents the cheap-labor moguls who largely fund the party but don't represent its views on immigration. He and Kasich are still beating the drum for the thoroughly discredited "compassionate conservatism" which means they would spend big.