Friday, August 21, 2015

Poor Peru

Terrorism has returned to Peru, a slightly less ideological but no less violent version than last time when it was all Shinning Path. Now it seems to be mostly criminal and perhaps a little ideological: narcoterrorism, extortion and lawlessness. See the story at Worldcrunch.

I wonder when fed-up Peruvians will turn to a Fujimori-like strongman to once again get the violence under control? You have to ask why they've let it flare up?

Probably the same "reasoning" that now takes New York City back into the toilet Rudy Giuliani fished it out of. Producing order in inherently unstable systems requires a heavy hand, a curtailing of civil liberties of which people tire. When order is no more, they soon tire of the ensuing disorder.

Ultimately leaders must ask "Who is my constituency? The law-abiding, or the scofflaws and criminals?" In a drug-money-saturated society, criminal cartels may buy politicians' if not allegiance, at least forbearance.