Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Clinton Curse

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza is no conservative maven, which makes the following from his current column amazing. Explaining an obscure question on the new Quinnipiac poll, he writes:
Scroll all the way down to question #46, which asks, "Would you say that Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy or not?"

Thirty-two percent of respondents in Florida and Pennsylvania said she was; 34 percent of Ohioans said so. Just in case that's too much math for you: Only one in three voters in the three largest swing states in the country think that the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination is honest and trustworthy.

But wait, you say! Context matters. I bet those same voters trust the Republican frontrunners even less!

Except, again, no.

The only Republican candidate with honest/trustworthy numbers like Clinton is Donald Trump. And, Trump's numbers are still not as bad as Clinton's.