Saturday, January 9, 2016

Steyn: At a Trump Rally

The always-readable Mark Steyn goes with his sons to a Trump rally in Burlington, VT. He reports in his SteynOnline blog about his experiencs there.

Steyn's conclusion are several. First, Trump campaigns without the usual huge retinue. Second, he is truly one hell of a showman with better comedic timing than most comedians.

Third, he may appeal to the angry but his rallies are joyous, happy events. This is a curious fact Molly Ball reported in The Atlantic, which article we linked to on November 27 of last year.

Fourth, it is obvious Trump is loving the process, having a heck of a good time, getting his money's worth in pure enjoyment of the audience adulation. As long as the excitement and fun lasts, why would he drop out? Answer: he won't.