Wednesday, January 6, 2016

In Defense of California

We've reported, perhaps too often, that California has problems. RealClearPolitics rebuts with a brief article showing that, for all its downsides, CA is doing well. A telling quote:
What the strong numbers do mean, Beacon partner Chris Thornberg told the Los Angeles Times, is "that being 'business friendly' is not the be-all and end-all of economic development." He went on: "When you actually look at the data, you'll find that as kooky as California is, it's not a state that's underperforming." 
In many ways CA is becoming another Hawaii, a place so pleasant people come there in spite of its high costs and tough regulations. And yes, CA really is the nicest place to live in the continental U.S.; take it from someone who has resided in all four U.S. time zones. I spent most of my working career living in a rural CA city that resembles a bucolic Midwestern college town where fortunately it never snows.