Thursday, April 28, 2016

Travel Blogging XIII

Dateline, at sea bearing NNE toward San Diego, at 20.2 knots: Early Wednesday morning, along about daylight we crossed the equator and reentered the Northern Hemisphere. By now we're maybe about the same distance north of the equator as is the Panama Canal. Wednesday evening we set our clocks ahead an hour. We're now only an hour behind the West Coast. 

On the outbound leg we had several 25 hour days, now homeward bound we will experience several 23 hour days. I guess it all evens out in the end. 

We've cruised for days on end without seeing another boat or ship. Tonight I walked out on the balcony and way off near the horizon there were lights so some kind of boat or ship was out there. 

The oceans of this planet are remarkably unaffected by human activity of any kind, don't let anyone tell you different. An ocean-crossing voyage exposes a person to more emptiness and pure uncluttered space than anything else on the planet.