Saturday, September 30, 2017

Review: Churchill

These days Brits are into biographies which focus on former heroes' feet of clay. The first which caught my attention was the biopic of Thatcher which focused on Maggie as an elderly sufferer from early stage dementia.

This afternoon the ship screened Churchill which focuses on Winston Churchill's role in the run-up to the D-Day landings at Normandy. The film would have you believe Churchill tried to kill D-Day. Supposedly it reminded him of an earlier (World War I) landing - Gallipoli - an actual disaster for Commonwealth troops for which he was blamed.

I can't speak to the film's historical accuracy, but it is very well made and moving. I went in thinking I'd probably fall asleep in the dark theater ... it did not happen.

I was glad the theater didn't have "smell-O-vision." The actor playing Winston smoked fat cigars constantly and I hate their smell.