Friday, December 1, 2017

The Flynn Plea

I've been scanning pundit reactions to the Michael Flynn guilty plea. I've concluded that doing so you learn more about the pundit than about the plea.

The Flynn plea is a sort of litmus test, if you despise Trump you believe it is the beginning of Trump's end. If you like Trump, you say (probably accurately) Flynn has pled guilty to the same lying for which he was fired shortly after the inauguration and amounts to little.

Several attorneys writing about the Flynn plea say he lied about behavior that was not itself illegal. I am puzzled why he should lie about doing lawful things.

I am even more puzzled about why he had anything to say to the FBI beyond his name, address, and date of birth. The fifth amendment to our Constitution protects against self-incrimination, had he merely "taken the fifth" he would be a free man today.

Free, that is, unless he was already provably "dirty" and they've decided not to charge him for really bad things he did in exchange for him rolling on his former boss. Possible, yes, but breath holding is not yet suggested.

Later ... this latter possibility begins to look more likely in the cold, grey light of dawn.