Thursday, February 1, 2018

Weird Philosophical Science

Ross Pomeroy writes for RealClearScience about the question of how (or if) those without religious belief find meaning in life. I think of it as the “Alfie question,” from the lyric “What’s it all about, Alfie?” Some have argued that without religion, life can have no meaning.

New research by David Speed from the journal SAGE Open finds that non-believers construct their own life meaning.
Atheists were far more likely than religious people to believe that meaning in life is endogenous – it is self-produced.

Speed's research suggests that atheists aren't the purposeless, depressed bunch that many believers brand them to be.
In developed societies, to an increasing extent, the point of life is what one makes of it.  Or, see Facebook™, how it can be curated or, more cynically, spun. Sadly, COTTonLINE is not entirely without sin in this matter.