Friday, February 23, 2018

Trump’s Luck

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds, no mean snarkmeister, looks at the sequelae of the latest Florida school shooting.
Trump’s luck is pretty amazing. The entire media sets up a week-long hatefest aimed at the NRA, culminating in that shameful fake “Town Hall,” and then the very next day it comes out that there was a police officer there who was too cowardly to do anything, and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who was shaming and lecturing gun owners the night before, must have known it while he was up there on stage.

Trump’s superpower is his ability, just by existing, to bring out the deep and pervasive rot in America’s institutions and the people who run them.
Plus his ability to focus on himself the attention of most of the media most of the time. You could float a cruise ship on the ink devoted to Trump each week.