Sunday, March 11, 2018

Meet Dave Ramsey

Politico does a profile of radio self-help guru Dave Ramsey, it is a good read. Ramsey does a call-in manage-your-finances show on 600+ radio stations and is third in listenership after Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity - doggone impressive.

He makes a strong point of encouraging listeners not to rely on politicians to bail out their personal financial situation, and his general notion is correct. Self-discipline starts with you getting control of yourself and your wallet.

On the other hand, economic policies like those Trump has pushed are doing more to create a buoyant job market and rising wages. Neither of those is a detriment to your family's financial situation.

I'm of the opinion that, while nobody else will be responsible for you, who you vote for is also important. It can, in the aggregate, make a difference.

Vote for a candidate who has realistic plans to foster economic growth, not for one who says, or more likely implies, the years of rapid growth are behind us. For a candidate who puts your situation first on his or her agenda, not who worries most about unfortunates in some third world backwater no one has ever heard of. Who prioritizes the needs of Americans ahead of refugees and illegal immigrants.