Sunday, March 18, 2018

Merkel Murders Europe links to a Michael Walsh column at PJMedia which says forcefully something we’ve been pointing to for years now. Namely, Angela Merkel giving the ‘Saracens’ another chance to conquer Europe.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's disastrous decision to throw open an essentially defenseless western Europe to hordes of military-age males from the Islamic ummah will go down in history as one of Christendom's greatest blunders, either a triumph of wishful childless-feminist thinking or a malevolent act of epic proportions.
When did Europe collectively give Merkel the green light to destroy their culture? I must have missed the plebisite.

If uncharitable, you could argue the Germans earned cultural suicide via the Third Reich. The rest of Europe, where is their culpability? Every country had its despised Quislings but they don’t merit a continent-wide auto de fe.

I see a malignant parallel between Merkel and former President Obama. Both appear to despise the countries they were elected to lead, both worked to diminish their nations. The most rabid supporters of each hate their own societies. An ugly business ....