Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ice Age Warning

See this article on an earlier solar quiet period called the Maunder Minimum and this article which talks about the current lack of sunspot activity. Put the two together and you have a recipe for cold weather.

Last time we had a lack of sunspot activity - the Maunder Minimum - we had the Little Ice Age. Now we have another lack of sunspot activity - what do we get this time? If you were a betting person, you'd bet on cold weather.

So what does our clueless President do? He appoints science advisors who are committed to AGW, anthropogenic global warming, that is, human-caused global warming.

If you believe human activity is more powerful than the sun, sign on with Barry O. and Algore. If you understand the sun totally dwarfs anything people can do, bet the other way.

I bet on science every time.