Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Silly Enemies List

Every now and then our British "cousins" across the pond do something silly. Have you seen this article about the United Kingdom banning 16 people from entering, one of them being radio talk host Michael Savage?

What isn't clear is whether any or all of them had applied for entry, my guess is none of them. Reportedly two of the people on the list are currently in prison; it is hard to imagine either of them showing up at Heathrow anytime soon with passport in hand.

Can you picture how much envy this will engender among the other talk hosts of the right? I can imagine Sean, Rush and others saying, maybe privately, maybe on air, "Dang, why didn't I get included in their list of 'dangerous' individuals? That is great publicity."

I suspect in this great (and diverse) land of ours there are individuals with much more extreme views than Michael Savage. Where are our skinhead leaders, our animal rights extremists, our Weather Underground alumni, our black nationalists including Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright, our ACORN nuts? Our Obama-is-too-moderate moonbats who dream of waterboarding Dick Cheney?

The U.S. has no monopoly on badasses. How did Iranian leader Ahmadinejad, who advocates the elimination of an entire nation, get left off the list? The leaders of the genocide in Darfur? The leaders of violent, drug-involved FARC and Shining Path? The leaders of China, who oppress Tibet? The leaders of the Naxalites in India? The Taliban?

You get the point. Once you start a list like this who you include (and omit) says more about you than about the people on the list. The Brits' list says of them "we're a bit dotty."