On the eve of Barack Obama’s arrival to Moscow, many Russians are showing a surprising degree of indifference to the trip, while others say they didn’t even know the American president was coming. (snip) Barack Obama’s inaugural presidential visit to Russia is failing to stir up the passions as it did during his wildly anticipated European tour.Since this is written in English, not Russian, the author takes the view that we readers will be surprised about this "indifference." Perhaps he is right, but we shouldn't be.
The other DrC and I visited Russia two years ago. We learned that Vladimir Putin has the same rock star status in Russia that Obama has in Europe, and [to a lesser extent] in America. Putin has this status for many of the same reasons Obama does; he is young, fit, attractive and believed to be a reformer.
It is no wonder Russians aren't excited about Obama's visit. They already have their home-grown idol, they don't need another.