Here is another conservative billboard, this time in Wisconsin. The source of the photo is the website of the NBC TV station in Chicago, link is here.
Unlike the last billboard, I don't find this one a sentiment I can support. Tough economic times are not an impeachable offense. Most small businesses fail anyway, many are under capitalized or in marginal markets. In recessions more of them fail. It is in the nature of capitalism for this to happen. Get over it.
Furthermore, it is not the President's job to keep them from failing. It is the President's job to keep from making matters worse, if he can. It is the job of the business owners to prevent failure, if it is possible. Often prevention is not possible.
We have a way of dealing with elected officials with whose policies we disagree: we don't reelect them. If the billboard suggested not reelecting Obama, that is a sentiment with which I could agree.