Friday, March 25, 2011

Steyn Strikes Again

One of our favorite geopolitical satirists, Mark Steyn, points out the absurd contradictions in what passes for U.S. foreign policy. Writing for the Orange County Register about Afghanistan, Steyn says:
American forces have been fighting and dying in Afghanistan for a decade: Doesn't that seem like a long time for a noncolonial power to be spending hacking its way through the worthless terrain of a Third World dump?
And about Libya, Steyn opines:
Libya, in that sense, is a classic post-nationalist, post-modern military intervention: As in Kosovo, we're do-gooders in a land with no good guys. (snip) The intended result is likely to be explicitly at odds with U.S. interests.
I'm not certain why we cared if the mad colonel was killing his people. Wouldn't a statement of disapproval have sufficed in Libya, as it has in so many other places that are truly none of our business?