Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Odd Poll Data

The Hill, which writes about politics and Congress, has done a poll asking a pair of interesting reciprocal questions. It asked voters which candidate - Obama or Romney - more respected women who have careers. Then it asked voters which candidate more respected women who stay at home. The findings:
More voters think Mitt Romney and the Republican Party respect women who work outside the home than think President Obama and the Democrats respect women who stay at home.
Forty-nine percent of likely voters said the presumptive GOP presidential nominee respects women who have independent careers, while 27 percent said he doesn't and 24 percent weren't sure.
When asked if President Obama respects women who stay at home rather than pursue a career, 37 percent of likely voters said he doesn't and 35 percent of said he does. Twenty-nine percent were unsure.
However, single women believe Obama is more favorable to women.