Conrad Black writes, from a Canadian viewpoint, about American politics for
National Review. Black supports what Trump is trying to do without being blinded to his idiosyncrasies. No so with Congress:
Three-quarters of Americans despise the Congress as tainted and ineffectual windbags wallowing in the public trough.
Having shared the public's view, Black adds his own:
In their way, the Democratic leaders have been doing their jobs. That cannot be said of Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. They have achieved nothing in seven months and have lost no opportunity to carp publicly at their president.
And he adds a prediction:
Ryan and McConnell have misled the country about their ability or intention to pass bills. If they don’t become more purposeful, the Republicans will lose the House next year, Ryan will be thrown out as speaker and House Republican leader, and the Republicans will gain a few senators but McConnell will be dumped for his duplicity.
While it will serve both gentlemen right, as payback for their malfeasance, that outcome will do the GOP and the country no good. For their sake and ours, let's hope each can grow a pair before Congress reconvenes. They need to stop whining and either do their jobs, or resign if unable.