Sunday, October 22, 2017

Good, on Balance

Andrew Klavan, who blogs at PJ Media, makes a judgment I can endorse. He writes:
I am not always a fan of Donald Trump's personal style. I don't like bullies and I prefer a president who thinks before he opens his mouth.

I do, on the other hand, very much like many of the things Trump has accomplished: the great judicial nominations, the taming of the regulatory state, the restoration of the rule of law at the border, leaving the silly Paris accord, the annihilation of ISIS, the attempts to hurry the implosion of Obamacare by suspending utterly illegal payments to insurance companies, calling out the NFL on its lack of patriotism, and calling out the media on a leftward bias that now amounts to simple malfeasance and corruption.
Klavan has written a nice, concise statement of why he (and I and many others) continue to support Trump.