I normally agree with John Hinderaker of Power Line, today comes an instance where I don't agree. Hinderaker writes the following:
After all these years, Three Mile Island is going to be restarted. I assume this is because of the Biden administration’s campaign against fossil fuels, combined with the reality that, of the non-CO2 emitting technologies, only nuclear actually works.
Alleging that "only nuclear actually works" is simply incorrect. Hydroelectric works just as well, is equally reliable, and it too emits no C02.
I spent the years 1987 - 2021 living downstream from several hydroelectric facilities on the south fork of the Feather River, utilizing power generated therefrom. I was never aware of any shortcomings in those installations or any outages attributable thereto.
Greens have made the installation of hydropower difficult because it interferes with natural stream flow. I am of the opinion greens should be entirely ignored; perhaps Donald Trump is the man to accomplish this feat.