Thursday, October 3, 2024

Young Migrants

Nostalgia sells, who knew? The Wall Street Journal reports (no paywall) increasing numbers of graduating seniors in the northeast and the rest of the country are applying to colleges and universities in the Southeast. 

Why you might ask. Because being conservative, those southern schools are still delivering what kids think college should be. Homecoming, pep rallies, keggers, a lively fraternity and sorority culture if that's your bag. Winning athletic teams, school spirit and pride, minimal or no protests, and tailgating. Add in warmer weather (and friendlier people) and a thriving economy with jobs on offer. What's not to like?

Who's suffering? The Ivies and other 'prestige' schools in the Northeast. Who's winning? The South's state schools. Actually the South is winning because out-of-state students pay more, and a large percentage of students take jobs after graduation in the area where their school is located. What do you bet their parents end up following them South?

Brain drain - North; brain gain - South. Another example of the marketplace and consumers picking winners, leaving losers behind.

Personal note: My undergrad campus was known as a "party school" (but is no longer) and I spent most of my career teaching at another "party school" (probably also 'former' since I left). Nice places, nice students, good experiences, decent degrees.