Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Outrage

Imagine the uproar if a conservative film maker did an FDR biopic that emphasized his last partial term when, in failing health, he made unfortunate judgments with respect to the intentions of Joseph Stalin and resumed a long-dead relationship with mistress Lucy Page Mercer Rutherfurd. Although those failings happened, that is not the story of the accomplishments of FDR.

Matt Drudge has a link to a story in The Telegraph (London) about the new movie on the life of Margaret Thatcher, starring Meryl Streep. If the article is accurate, the film is on balance an outrage.

Lady Thatcher has had the misfortune to suffer the mental mistiness of old age, whose harsh name is senile dementia. You and I may well experience it too, if we live long enough. Doing so will detract not one whit from the accomplishments of our lives.

The story of the public Margaret Thatcher is the story of a grocer's daughter who became Britain's most outstanding prime minister since World War II. She turned around a country in socialist decline, making it one of the strongest in Europe, and defeated Argentinian aggression in the Falkland Islands. Anything else is a political hit piece.