Sunday, November 13, 2011

Balz on Gingrich, Again

Newt Gingrich surges in the polls and Dan Balz of The Washington Post again pays attention. The Balz analysis is a good one, let me share with you his conclusion:
Gingrich has various attributes, which have kept him as a prominent voice in the Republican Party for more than two decades in spite of setbacks and self-inflicted wounds. For reasons mostly beyond his doing, he may have been handed a new opportunity for redemption and leadership. Whether he can restrain the impulses that have brought him down in the past will now be his biggest challenge.
If Newt succeeds in becoming president, analysts will compare the dramatic ups and downs of his career to those of Winston Churchill. One similarity is already evident - writing many books. Amazon currently lists twelve books authored or co-authored by Gingrich.