Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sectarian Civil War

Yesterday we wrote a long post about the situation in Syria. Today we see a Reuters story saying the situation was threatening to degenerate into sectarian civil war - essentially Alawites versus Sunnis.

Reuters suggests the Shia Iranians would back the Assad/Alawite government while the Sunni powers in the region would back the mostly Sunni rebels. Eventually this could evolve into a religious war in the region - Shia vs. Sunni.

Why the U.S. should do anything to interfere with this outcome isn't clear. When various groups of your enemy (in The Long War) decide to battle each other to the death, interfering seems the height of folly.

Perhaps a wiser, albeit Machiavellian, course would be the clandestine supply of untraceable (e.g., ex-Soviet) weapons to both sides via third parties like Bosnia or Ethiopia.