Monday, May 28, 2012

Again, Poor Mexico

A Reuters article summarizes the anger Mexicans are feeling at their government's inability to do anything about the drug war and its enormous wave of murders.

No surprise Mexicans are angry. The problem for the government of Mexico is figuring out how to stop the cartel murders and drug activity. They face numerous obstacles.

Begin with a national culture that is forgiving of bribery and glamorizes narcotraficantes. Add that working (or covering up) for a drug cartel is the most lucrative employment available to most Mexicans.

Don't overlook the insatiable U.S. demand for illegal drugs which funnels untold millions into a semi-poor country. Not to mention the free availability of lethal weaponry in the adjacent U.S. The obstacles to control are many.

No wonder candidates for the Mexican presidency have put forward no good ideas for stopping their drug wars and tamping down corruption. If hired as a consultant, I'd have no idea where to begin.