Saturday, August 4, 2012

Red State Idaho

Global Post's Jean MacKenzie is doing a series on the U.S. states. This column bewails the sad fate of Idaho which consistently votes Republican when she believes it would be in their self-interest to vote Democrat.

MacKenzie wanders around Idaho, finds a handful of lonely liberals in a university town (Moscow), commiserates with them about their unrepresented fate, and then shares their angst with us. She's sure we'll sympathize because Global Post leans left as do most of its readers (except me).

Over time I'm guessing at least some of the Idaho liberals MacKenzie talked to will move to another state where Democrats are often elected. Just as California conservatives have moved to more conservative states when the opportunity came their way.

This is how the red and blue states sort themselves out. It's people moving to where the regional zeitgeist agrees with their own politics.