Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yes, You Built That

The President tells us that we are shaped by social forces, government, etc. That they, not we, should get credit for what is accomplished in society. Nonsense.

Yes, all those things are there in the background, like the drummer or bass player laying down a rhythm. No, they aren't responsible for the good things you do. Yes, they help; no, they don't play the melody - the innovators do.

The things the Prez was talking about are there for everybody, but "everybody" doesn't start a new business, invent a new product, build up a new company. Actually, darned few do these things successfully, they are the inventors, the entrepreneurs.

So that few do have a right to be proud, to strut a little, to say "I'm special" for in fact they are special. They are more than a little rare and very important to our society. For a less focused view of this subject, see David Brooks' column in The New York Times.