Wednesday, September 11, 2013

No Diplomat

At long last even his supporters are realizing that Barack Obama may be many things, but an effective President he is not. Russian President Putin has eaten Obama's lunch on the Syria situation, and left him looking foolish. This is not in the best interests of the United States.

Peggy Noonan, writing in The Wall Street Journal, describes our president thusly:
Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers.
A "self-besotted charismatic?" Don't hold back, Peggy, tell us what you really think.

Meanwhile The New York Times' snark-meister Maureen Dowd is vastly unimpressed by Obama and SecState Kerry. She writes:
Obama’s flip-flopping, ambivalent leadership led him to the exact place he never wanted to be: unilateral instead of unified. Once again, as with gun control and other issues, he had not done the groundwork necessary to line up support.