Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Nobody has a clue what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The pilots did not radio about any problems, although they had multiple redundant radios at their command.

No wreckage has been found at sea, and if the plane had fallen on land a large, smoking crater and debris field would show up on satellite photos. Many parts of this plane are made of composites that would float, according to experts on last night's PBS News Hour.

So what could account for the total disappearance of an aircraft with many people aboard? How about alien abduction? The proverbial mother ship just beams it up whole, and the tractor beam fries the electronics making radio distress calls impossible. About now those pesky aliens are doing colonoscopies on the passengers.

Maybe the pilots, under threat or for profit, turned off the transponder and radios, and flew the plane at low altitude to a jungle strip where it is now parked under camouflage nets or trees. This leaves no debris or oil slicks, and the passengers could either be dead or held for ransom.

Would drug lords in the golden triangle love to have a 777 with which to deliver heroin? Maybe one of the triads wants to start an airline? Or possibly a jungle chop shop is parting out the plane and salvaging the passengers' passports, documents, and valuables.

Law enforcement should track passengers' debit and credit cards to ensure no post-disappearance activity occurs thereupon. Ditto cell phone use. Or just maybe the plane slipped into another dimension or parallel universe?