Monday, March 31, 2014

More on House of Cards

I enjoyed the first season of Netflix' House of Cards miniseries. The second season ... not so much, and I've wondered why. I believe this American Thinker article by Jack Cashill may have the answer.

Cashill draws a parallel that I'm ashamed to say I'd missed until now. He suggests the Francis Underwood lead character and wife Claire are loosely based on Bill and Hillary Clinton - another charming Southern Democrat with a scheming, cold-fish wife.

Cashill's column wanders off into a clever conspiracy demi-theory concerning the altogether-too-convenient death of then-Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Brown was found dead in an unexplained Croatian plane crash, his body appeared to have a bullet hole in the head. Shades of Vince Foster, another Clinton retainer violent death.

Whatever ... take his musings with a grain of salt, or forget them entirely. As for season two of House of Cards, perhaps what I've been reacting negatively to is the Clintonian echoes it evokes.