Friday, July 24, 2015

Not Toothless

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank sometime shoots straight, sometimes lies through his teeth. Here he writes that Gov. Scott Walker is dangerous because he beats up on unions:
By scapegoating toothless trade unions as powerful and malign interests, he enlists working people in his cause of aiding the rich and the strong.
"Trade unions" represent people like plumbers and carpenters in the private sector. Gov. Walker has shown little interest in them beyond backing a state right-to-work law. Walker's target has been, and will likely continue to be, government employee unions, including teacher unions.

Public employee unions and teacher unions are anything but "toothless." They are part owners of the Democratic Party along with the gentry, greens and minority groups. Milbank is totally disingenuous to characterize public unions as "toothless" - he knows better, as do we.