Being interviewed on MSNBC by Thomas Roberts, retired General Wesley Clark advocates putting "disloyal Americans" into internment camps like those used to corral Japanese expats and Japanese-Americans living in the western U.S. and Canada during World War II.
As COTTonLINE has noted on several occasions (here, here, and here), this sort of call to action might come eventually. Now we see the first public endorsement by a person of some note. As the Instapundit is fond of quoting from Star Wars, "All is proceeding as I have foreseen."
Given the opprobrium associated with internment in the minds of many, things will have to become significantly worse for this step to be taken. However, given a couple more 9-11 type slaughters, public opinion can swing very fast. Our country seldom takes meaningful action until we've been bloodied in a Pearl Harbor-type event.
I hope we avoid the whole situation, both the slaughters and camps. That said, hope is wonderful to have, but a lousy stand-alone policy.